Self Love.

Love to preach it, how the fuck do I practice it?

I catch myself preaching self love to the people around me constantly all while I've stopped looking at myself in the mirror, not taking new photos, reaching for the baggy comfortable clothing. It is hard to stay in the "Self Love" mentality constantly. It's exhausting sometimes but it's necessary. So, what can you do?

5 Things you can do to find that self love again w/ challenges.

This is a guide to myself that I've kept tucked away for when I start feeling like this again. To remind myself that there is no reason for me to still be in that "eh" headspace and to challenge myself. I hope you all are able to take some of this with you and start to feel that self love and confidence we all crave.

**Language warning


Drink some fucking water you dehydrated b*tch.

Go get yourself a glass of water however you like it, iced, hot, room temperature for the weirdos and drink some of that pure good h2o.

When you are dehydrated your body and mind will feel and react to that. Headaches, sugary cravings and the lack of energy will consume you.

**Challenge: Drink 1 cup of water right now. Go measure out 8 fucking oz. if you need to but do it.


Do your laundry.

What kind of person are you? A laundry chair kind of gal or do you like to live out of the dryer like me?

This in itself seems so small but it is significant. To me at least.

If you are like me I get a feeling of accomplishment when I complete a task, no matter how small. I give myself a pat on the back and go get myself a "fun drink" like Starbucks or boba because "treat yo self".

When you complete a task such as doing your laundry

  1. You've removed some of the clutter/cleared space
  2. Your clothes will not be wrinkly and you wont look like a crusty c*m towel that fell behind the bed
  3. Fun drink

**Challenge: Set a 10 minute timer and see how much laundry you can fold/put away before it goes off.

Once that timer ends I'll leave that up to you if you want to continue and finish or not. Baby steps.


Shave your entire body. (If you are someone who shaves)

We need a reset, a refresh of ourselves. The best way to do that is "that shower".

The one where it's head to toe, washing away that shit that has been weighing on us. Taking a long shower and taking the time to double cleanse my hair, wash my face, wash and exfoliate my body and to shave and groom is the best way for me to feel like myself again.

And then once I get out I moisturize the fuck out of my squeaky clean crusty body. I want to be slipping around like a fucking slug after this shower.

**Challenge: I'm not repeating myself, go do that ^


Do your damn dishes.

"My space is a reflection of my mind."

It's crazy in there I know, but let's keep the crazy inside and not in the fucking sink, yeah?

How can I expect myself to be my best self when the anxiety of doing those fucking dishes is looming over me? I side eye that shit when I walk in the door and it stresses me out to no end. For what? It literally takes me like 15 minutes of my 1440 minute day to do these fucking dishes but sometimes it's just so hard. I get it. But we've got this.

**Challenge: Set a 15 minute timer and do your dishes. Don't forget to clean the fucking sink after.


The finale.

I'm so fucking proud of you. You made it this far, you've drank your water, done your laundry and dishes and your mind and body are feeling good and refreshed. It feels good doesn't it?

Step number 5 is something you should only do once you have completed steps 1 through 4. Don't fucking proceed unless you've done those otherwise it won't have the same effect.

Go into your freshly put away laundry and find your cutest panties (I don't care if they're your holey, period stained underwear. If they're your favorite, they're your favorite.) find a cute comfortable bra and put on an outfit that you think your most confident, comfortable and sexiest version of you would wear.

Visualize what she is like.

What is she wearing?

What does her hair look like?

Is she wearing makeup?

**Challenge: Get up, go do your makeup, do your hair and get dressed. You don't have to go anywhere. You could be dressed in a sports bra and boy shorts if that is the version of you that feels sexiest. It doesn't matter.

The whole point is to break the cycle and refresh. See a new you and clear yourself of the daily stresses and anxieties that don't allow room for us to feel like our most confident, comfortable and sexiest self.

Your mind is a reflection of your space.